Creator of the Shieldon Scythe
In 2022, Chris Harrison of Old Squirrel Knives and Justin Carvin of Tier 1 Gear & EDC Reviews collaborated to design and build the first ever batch of the fixed blade Scythe. With a combination of Magnacut steel and premium handle materials, these sold out immediately. Noting this success, we decided it was time to start applying our creativity toward future builds. Combining Justin's years of experience designing & reviewing EDC equipment with Chris' knifemaking and CAD experience, we began working on folder concepts. To date, we have several designs in the works. Our first design to be released was the Shieldon Scythe, has sold out numerous times now, and was ranked #1 New Release on Amazon. Shieldon now has several new Scythe variants in the works to be released yet this year.
Shown here are the DC Blades Ceto prototypes, which will be our first exclusive release. For the OEM, we will be using Miguron Knives. With a combination of M390 steel and milled titanium, what's not to love...